Desktop Speakers - Form Study of ASUSs’ Brand Identity
Brand identity project exploring ASUS’s products and designing a product the company doesn’t currently produce but would reasonably fit within the company’s product lineup; in this case a pair of desktop computer speakers.
Models made in Solidworks, rendered in KeyShot, and edited in Photoshop - images of monitor, mouse, and keyboard from ASUS.com

ASUS produces products for both gaming and professional use and I sought to design a product that could fall into both categories - Image from ASUS.com

Mood board of ASUSs' gaming products from ASUS.com

Mood board of ASUSs' professional products from ASUS.com

Quick concepts

Finalist concepts

Form tool made from MDF for carving speaker cone profile

Rough models from XPS foam

SolidWorks Model

Laying out material to be removed

Final model in standard position

Rear view of left/powered speaker with banana plug inputs and power/volume knob

Final model in low-profile position

Final rendering with left speaker in low-profile position and right speaker in standard position. RGB lighting is OFF in professional mode

Rear view of left/powered speaker with banana plugs and 3.5mm inputs, outputs to right speaker, and power/volume knob

Left/Powered speaker

Speaker with RGB lighting ON in game mode